Why I Joined
As an alumnus myself, I was excited to once again be part of St Anthony’s when my son started high school. I remembered the Fathers’ Guild from my days at St Anthony’s and recall seeing them at many events but I never really understood the role they played. Now, having been in the Fathers Guild, I have come to relish the opportunity to be part of this school and all the advantages it provides the students. Not only does my volunteering bring me closer to my son and help him understand the power of giving, but being part of the Guild has given me a front row seat to so many of the wonderful events at St Anthonys. From the Easter and Christmas events, to the “under the lights” football games, to the music and performing arts events, all of which St Anthonys is so well known for. I get to spend time with the faculty and get to know them as well. While there are no mandatory volunteer hours, I find myself looking forward to the events, because I think the best part of being in the Guild is the ability to give back to the school, which is providing so much for my son. It is gift to be part of such a special organization. My only regret is that I waited 2 years to become as involved as I could.