Strengthened and nourished by the vision and courage of a group of men who pioneered a support service organization at St. Anthony’s High School, the Fathers’ Guild was formed through the inspiration and teamwork of these men who were willing to be risk-takers and who, in uncertain times, forged one of the first support service organizations for a Catholic High School in the Diocese of Rockville Center.

We are the heirs of this vision and commit ourselves to continue the education ministry of Jesus Christ by participating in the mission of the Roman Catholic Church and by adhering to its teachings. We believe that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, and thus we pledge to support the delivery of quality education to all of our students and to serve with special reverence our Priest, Brothers, Nuns, and lay teachers who are educating our students.

We seek to foster within this school a spirit of excellence, genuine caring, Christ like compassion, and mutual respect for our students, families, and staff.  Our ministry to support education involves caring for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each student. We believe that education is a basic human right and we seek to foster that right within each student of St. Anthony’s High school.

We pledge to continue developing programs that reach all of those students that struggle for full dignity within our society and to help them attain the educational goals they set for themselves. We commit ourselves to be responsible stewards of our resources. We strive to promote a supportive environment where each person, regardless of their position, is viewed as important to the proper functioning of the St. Anthony’s Fathers’ Guild. We seek to create a work environment that embodies the social teachings of the Church, thus each person is respected, every idea is appreciated, and each one’s labor is valued.

We, who are the Fathers’ Guild of St. Anthony’s High School exist:

  • To support quality education
  • To offer hope
  • To witness
To the presence of a compassionate God who dwells among us.
Holy Father Saint Francis…Pray for Us
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