Join the Fathers’ Guild

Online Registration

New Lifetime


$225.00Add to cart

A Commitment to Service

We are a dedicated group of fathers that provide unwavering support to St.Anthony’s High School. Through tireless efforts, we support school programs and initiatives wherever help is needed. Our service is powered by our religious faith, and our commitment to our families.

Have a question?
Just email us at, or stop by for a chat if you see us at an event.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of events does the Guild provide support for?
The short answer is: wherever the school needs help. Typically, you will find Guild members serving as ushers, crowd control, or helping direct traffic in the parking lot. We volunteer at sporting events, plays, concerts, masses, and a variety of other events.

How many hours am I required to volunteer at the school?
There is no requirement. We welcome whatever support you can provide, and what your schedule allows. We typically manage to get enough volunteers for most events. However, some events, specifically Graduation, are “all hands on deck.”

Do I have to pay membership dues every year?
No. You pay once for a lifetime membership. There are currently no annual dues required.

What does my membership payment cover?
Your membership payment is used towards general Guild overhead expenses, special events (Father Daughter Dance, Communion Breakfast, etc.), plus food and drinks at every general meeting. You also get a Father’s Guild polo shirt that can be worn at casual and outdoor events. Guild financials are available to view and discussed during every meeting.

How often does the Father’s Guild have meetings?
General Meetings occur once per month, from September thru June. Doors open at 7 pm, dinner is served at 7:30 pm, and the meeting starts at 8 pm. Coffee and dessert is served afterwards.

What is the Business Council?
The Business Council meets monthly at 6:30 pm, prior to the General Meeting. The Business Council is a chance for Guild members to network and talk about their careers. Whether you are looking to hire, looking for work, or simply want to support businesses owned by Guild members, all are welcome.

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